By Oona Tillotson | November 23, 2018
At ACUMED Consulting, we specialise in using data science to drive progress, innovation and success within businesses. We have concentrated experience in Gaming Analytics, but have worked in cybersecurity, fraud detection, marketing, banking, insurance, telecommunications and government sectors too. Our experts are skilled in a range of data science and analytics areas including:
Analytical Methods and Problem Solving
Reducing dimensions Time series analysis Anomaly detection - finding unusual behaviour
Machine Learning
Bayesian methods Genetic algorithms Reinforcement learning Classification Clustering Visualisation
Languages and Frameworks
Python - Pandas, Scipy, Anaconda R Programming Language
Data Platforms, Modelling and Transformation
Graph databases ElasticSearch, Lucene NoSQL - Accumolo, Cassandra, Mongo Fast unstructured data parsing, handling logs and text Stream processing - Storm, Spark Streaming, Kafka, Samza and Fink Batch processing - Spark, Databricks, Hadoop AWS cloud computing and DevOps
Using a combination of these skills and methods, we can provide a truly bespoke service to solve your business problems with high calibre business consultancy, data science and analytics. If you would like to know more about our services, or any of our specialist industry experience, please just get in touch with us today.